We have developed our new website and would like to invite you to try it out. It has a new and improved search with added AI to help find the perfect track. It also features recommendations based on what you search for, and suggests similar tracks if you can't find exactly what you're looking for. For free users, it is vastly better. Purchasers will be asked to login, but this had advantages for keeping track of licences and preferences.
You can visit the new site by clicking here or using the link above
Youtube Content ID issues
It is our aim that everyone can use our music for free on social media. On YouTube, it is important that a credit to us is inserted in your video description, when you upload your video It needs to contain the words ‘Purple Planet’ so software picks it up and your video is cleared for copyright. The credit can read:
Music: www.purple-planet.com
Music: Purple Planet Music
We have pre-cleared over 600 users YouTube channels that have used our music and credited us in the past.
Anyone who buys a licence can request complete channel clearance.
If you forget to credit us on upload, please insert a credit and then contact us at info@purple-planet.com. We can then clear the claim manually.
The are no Content ID systems on other platforms, only YouTube. Please credit us on these platforms as well to ensure you indicate that music is correctly licensed.